Summer blues

This summer has hit me pretty hard. I've been a little blue, and I haven't been able to shake the feeling off too easily. The heat and humidity have been downright unbearable.

Which brings me to these bears - perhaps you've seen them? I just discovered them today and fell in love. And I laughed and laughed and laughed. And then Bill and Noah came over to see what all the laughing was about, and we shared some chuckles together, delighting in Emily's creations and Tom's words.

And it felt good.

Here is the description that accompanies the bear pictured above (printed here with Tom's permission):

"Are you game?" asked the rabbit
"Sorry. Am I what?" asked the bear

"The game!"


"Are YOU game?"

"But rabbit, how can I? I don't have enough checkers on me." bear could not understand. And he had not a single checker on him.

"No, no, bear, i was asking if you are game not if you are the board of the game"

"Could i be the board of the game, maybe?" bear wondered

"You can be anything you want"

"Well in that case... I would like to be an elephant" said the bear
"Ele what?"


"You want to be a phantelle? What is that?"
"No, rabbit, i would like to be an elephant. But only in the game"

"Then you are game?"

"I think i am"

And bear sure was, and rabbit could not remember what that all was about and so they went for a cup of tea. And cookies. Half a cup of cookies.

They come in different colors - each bear with its own bits of wisdom to share. Emily and Tom have even set up a diminutive studio for their adorable photo shoots..!

Put simply, it was just what I needed on this balmy, rainy afternoon.

(images: em's shop of bears'n'such; found the shop via the lovely Annie's Elsa May)